Stay Strong II

Stay Strong II

“When things get tough, count your blessings, and not your troubles :)” quote by All pictures on this blog are pictures that I have taken. I take pictures and write on them quotes that inspires me from things that … Continue reading

Think Happy – Be Happy!

 Don’t forget to be happy. How can you be happy if you don’t search for happiness. But don’t forget to search for it inside of you first. Then your outside will become happy. Here are a few pictures I took, and wrote on them a few happy quotes. I’ll keep adding more soon. Enjoy and be happy! 🙂








100 Things I’m Grateful For


I once read somewhere that if you write down about the things you are grateful for, at the end you’ll vanish all fears, all sorrow, you’ll feel better. But make it a long list. Sad to say I’ve never been good at this, but I want to start, start living a life full of gratitude, even for small, ordinary things that daily life offers me. Always something to be grateful for.

  1. Today I’m grateful for the beautiful time I had outside with my rabbits, seeing them playing, chasing each other and making me laugh. I have read this today “When I look into the eyes of an animal I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.”  I’m grateful for my furry friends.
  2. I’m grateful for the idea of starting a blog.
  3. I’m very grateful for my husband being always by my side, taking me in his arms, telling me he loves me, when I feel down, feel my world comes at an end, touch the lowest point in my life.
  4. I’m grateful for my wonderful Spanish Teacher.
  5. I’m so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life.
  6. I’m grateful for nature.
  7. I’m grateful for friends.
  8. Today I’m grateful for MUSIC, my only friend, when I feel alone.
  9. I’m grateful for the clean, fresh air after it rains.

What are you grateful for today?